Deliberately Delightful, LLC boasts a team with a rich and diverse range of skills and qualifications. Founder and CEO, Mary Long, has accumulated over 15 years of experience in the engineering and computer science industry, where she has demonstrated expertise in transportation and logistics engineering and management, as well as a stellar track record of successful project management. In addition to her technical prowess, Mary is also widely acknowledged for her exceptional leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.

The team also features logistics and engineering experts with a wealth of experience supporting government agencies. These professionals have specialized expertise in logistics analysis, supply chain management, and maintenance support, among other areas in healthcare and IT. Moreover, Deliberately Delightful, LLC benefits from a broad network of strategic partners and subject matter experts who possess advanced skills in fields such as software development, cybersecurity, and risk management. By leveraging the combined expertise of their team and partnerships, Deliberately Delightful, LLC can provide comprehensive support for even the most intricate engineering projects. 

Our Security Team Includes: INTERNET GEOPARDY, Limited Liability Company * Filot, LLC!

And, Canadian Deliberately Delightful Doers:

Be In the Conversation Book Team
Authors Club!!
Buy Our Book Here
Consuelo Julien
RNHS - Registered Nutritionist & Weight Management Coach

in Canada: We are proud to partner with Ms. Consuelo, a Registered Nutritionist & Health Specialist, specializing in Detoxification and Weight Management Coaching.

She will teach you about lifestyle habits that impact your overall health.

Her services include a 21-Day detox program, as part of a 3-month Nutritional Coaching Support and food plate management service. Purchase here through this link.

You can obtain these Services on Zoom from anywhere in the world or in-person in Canada in Ontario. Detox and Wellness Products used in the program ship to USA, Canada and other countries.

Consuelo comes with the highest recommendation. She has partnered with the Deliberately Delightful Company since 2019.
We are grateful for her service and celebrate her dedication to wellness. Get yourself into Consuelo's Weight Loss Program today!

Buy Her Course
Richard Morden
Life Transformation Coach & CONSCIOUS EFT

Guided sessions of CONSCIOUS EFT (tapping), a technique Richard Morden is trained in, is used to facilitate clients who have experienced trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and rage, as well as other deeply ingrained disorders for which standard therapy may not be helpful. Clients who are looking for support and encouragement in a secure environment are drawn to him and this solution-based approach to overcoming limiting beliefs and the effects they have on one's life. Emotional Safety is primary in all the facilitation with clients.

He is a master at energy work and emotional coaching through EFT. Richard specializes in helping women transition into and through divorce.
His website is

Q Approach
Savio "Amaru" Nawech Ankuash
Construction Worker | Boyfriend

100% Certified Woman-Owned Business

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Deliberately Delightful


We are Registered in Nevada as an LLC.

Be in the Conversation: our book is Here!

We are Recognized as “Outstanding Leadership” by the International Health 2.0 Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada and Dubai!